set gDates = [[], [0, " ", " ", "The Sun, Dec 7, 1978", 0, " "]]
set gName = getat(["Hoff"],1)
The American computer industry is based in 'Silicon Valley' in California. It takes its name from the silicon microchip#Most PCs operate with two types of memory: a "serial" memory, usually a hard disk, and a "random access" memory (or RAM), stored in superchips. The larger the RAM, the faster the processor#The speed of development in micro-electronics is breathtaking. In the early Seventies RAM was limited to 1,000 "bits" (one K) of data. By 1985 companies were producing 256K units; and today it is possible to get 16 million bits of data on each chip#Intel's first micro-processor was equal in computing power to Ken Olsen's ENIAC computer, which occupied 3000 cubic feet#In 1970 Ted Hoff's employer, Intel, paid $60,000 to buy back the rights to his invention from Busicom, the Japanese manufacturer which had originally sponsored his work. Busicom, perhaps unsurprisingly, is now defunct